oyster-farm - traducción al ruso
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oyster-farm - traducción al ruso

Oyster aquaculture; Oyster farm; Oyster cultivation; Environmental impact of oyster farming
  • Brittany]], [[France]] 2005
  • Oyster farming at [[Walvis Bay]], [[Namibia]]



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oyster-farm noun устричный садок
oyster farm         


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oyster sauce
¦ noun a sauce made with oysters and soy sauce, used especially in oriental cookery.


Oyster farming

Oyster farming is an aquaculture (or mariculture) practice in which oysters are bred and raised mainly for their pearls, shells and inner organ tissue, which is eaten. Oyster farming was practiced by the ancient Romans as early as the 1st century BC on the Italian peninsula and later in Britain for export to Rome. The French oyster industry has relied on aquacultured oysters since the late 18th century.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para oyster-farm
1. oyster farm is gone.
The Oyster War _ Summer Brennan _ Talks at Google
2. but it's an oyster farm.
The Oyster War _ Summer Brennan _ Talks at Google
3. of the history of Drake's Bay Oyster Farm, and some
The Oyster War _ Summer Brennan _ Talks at Google
4. believe, the oyster farm made about $5 million,
The Oyster War _ Summer Brennan _ Talks at Google
5. I knew of the oyster farm, and obviously the park.
The Oyster War _ Summer Brennan _ Talks at Google